Find out if you could save money on bills you have already paid. Don’t worry… It won’t cost you a penny to find out!
We've got your back.
Your utility providers aren’t looking out for you, but we will. On average, 80% of companies are overcharged on utility expenses, and you have a right to get that money back! We’ll audit years’ worth of bills for you, finding overcharges, eliminating mistakes and obtaining refunds for you when possible. If we don’t find you any refunds or reduction opportunities, you don’t pay us a thing. Whatever we find, we split 50/50. We can audit the following utility bills for you — at no upfront cost, risk or obligation.

What's included.
An audit will make sure you are receiving accurate billing from your providers. Not only is it possible to get money BACK that you’ve already paid, but we can also correct errors on future bills to ensure future reductions. Working with Viv is the easiest way to decrease monthly expenses and give yourself a competitive advantage.
- Audit includes all local, long distance, wireless, data and internet charges
- Evaluate cost-effectiveness of line charges, usage charges and feature packages
- Constant monitoring of changes in the industry to consolidate where possible and remove redundancies and outdated charges
- Refunds for errors and overcharges back to the point of the error
- Audit includes all electric, water/sewer and natural gas bills
- Full analysis of current and past usage to ensure tariffs and meter reads are correct
- Removal and correction of meter errors, demand errors, rate structures and unnecessary minimum charges and analysis of utility budgetary spending
- Refunds for errors and overcharges dating back 3-4 years
Don't let your refunds expire!
Many states have a 36-month statute of limitations on reporting and refunding erroneous charges. Let us find you that money before it’s too late!
Here's how it works.
We can get started with just a few months of bills, plus any original contracts.
We’ll assign specialized auditors for your location and bill types to look for errors, discrepancies or overcharges.
You’ll receive a detailed update on any of our findings within 6-8 weeks. This will include your options for implementing any refunds or reductions.
With your permission, we’ll obtain refunds or reductions with your utility and ensure your errors and omissions are corrected on future savings.
You’ll receive your refunds and/or begin to benefit from ongoing reductions from corrections. We’ll assure future bills remain error-free.
If you don't save, you don't pay.
At Viv our mission is simple: We want to make your life better by saving you money, automatically and hassle-free. There is no better or easier way to lower your overhead costs than to let us review, audit and manage your bills. When you save, we make money. If we can’t save you money, we don’t charge you. It’s that simple. With nothing to lose, get started today!
Is my business eligible?
If you are a commercial business or corporation that has more than a year of utility bills, you probably are! We do audits in all 50 states for companies of all sizes ranging from small family-owned restaurants to large manufacturing plants, franchises, non-profits, hospitals, and stadiums. We also work regularly with municipalities, educational facilities and more. Whether you have one location or several with multiple utility providers, we can help!
How do I know if I have overcharges or errors?
The odds are that you do! More than 80% of our invoice audits have overcharges and errors. The only way to know if you are being overcharged or if your bills contain errors is to perform an audit to get that money back and have future bills corrected.
What bill type should I start with?
We strongly recommend you have us work on all your bills. There’s no risk to you and if your gas utility provider is not overcharging you, your electric or sewer utility very well maybe! Remember that any un-audited findings continue to cost you money month after month and there is often a time limit to when you can reclaim these funds. Let us work on all your bills so you don’t go a single month longer than necessary before you can have the peace of mind knowing you are being billed fairly and accurately.
What kinds of errors might you find?
Some of the most common errors we find are in tariff and tax classifications, meter readings, charges for non-existing services and complex billing codes. We know what to look for and where to find it!